Spiritual Programs

Valued, Loved, and Not Alone
Our Spiritual Care team provides a ministry of presence and listening which focuses on compassionate care for all. The goal of the Spiritual Care team and volunteers is to help our residents, clients, and their families to know that they have value, that they are loved, and that they are not alone.
A Meaningful Approach
Our team also chooses a mission each week to bring spirituality to residents and clients who choose to participate. Some weeks, it could be simply finding an oasis of a quiet place to reflect. Other weeks, we could be celebrating gratitude and simply paying tribute to those people in our lives whose presence makes a difference.
The team is available to provide a full range of interdenominational services from Sunday to Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Catholic Mass: Wednesday 10:30 am
Interdenominational Church Service: Thursday 10:30 am.
All services held in the chapel.
Hymn Sings
Weekly Hymn Sings rotating on the LTC units: Tuesdays at 10:30am
Sacrament Services
Anglican Church: Sacrament of the Eucharist upon request.
Roman Catholic: Weekly Holy Communion and Sacrament of the Sick quarterly and upon request.
Deacon Lamont Dyck, St. Joseph Parish: 306-694-1944 | 306-630-4037 |
Seasonal Church
Prior to Easter, Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day, and Christmas
Memorial Services
Recorded on October 22, 2024 Click here to watch.
Hosted at Providence Place Chapel
Remembering those who passed June 1 to September 30, 2024.
Mission Effectiveness
Providence Place Mission Effectiveness Committee to support our employees.